30.12.2019, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 3025x


V prosinci 2019 byla vydána nová verze prohlížeče IrfanView.

IrfanView 4.54

Co je nového:

  • Multiple Undo/Redo steps added (max. 20 steps, Properties->Editing)
  • Zoom magnifier added to fullscreen mode
  • Option to disable Zoom magnifier (Properties->Viewing)
  • Profiles option added to Print dialog
  • New option in Properties->Fullscreen: Set horizontal and/or vertical centering
  • New option in Print dialog: Set horizontal and/or vertical centering
  • Option to set selection border thickness (Properties->Editing)
  • Option to enable/disable PlugIns (Help->Installed PlugIns)
  • Extended sidecar files option: Copy/Move possible (Properties->File Handling)
  • New Canvas dialog option/method: Set aspect ratio
  • New option in Watch/Hot Folder dialog: Watch subfolders
  • Support for CR3 files (preview only, add CR3 to extensions list in: Properties->Extensions->Load custom types)
  • New Lossless JPG Dialog option: Add (or Replace) ICC color profile
  • New Thumbnails option: Keep focus in folder tree (after folder change/click)
  • Option to show Color Corrections dialog in dark mode
  • Fix in Metadata PlugIn (crash with bad EXIF tag in CR2 files; KVE-2019-1184)
  • BMP loading bug fixed (thanks to Joshua Faust, CVE-2019-16887)
  • JP2 PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq)
  • ANI PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17252)
  • RAS PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17251)
  • EXR PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17255)
  • DPX PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17256)
  • WSQ PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17250)
  • JLS PlugIn loading bug fixed (thanks to Linhlhq, CVE-2019-17253)
  • Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions: https://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm