12.07.2014, Vladimír Klaus, navštíveno 3096x
Koncem června 2014 byla vydána nová verze prohlížeče IrfanView 4.38.
Stahujte zde:
Co je nového:
- New Options menu/feature: Export image tiles (split image)
- New Options menu: Hotfolder (Watch folder and show new images)
- New view modes in Thumbnails window: Tiles, Details and List mode
- New feature: (new) "IrfanView Shell Extension" available on PlugIns website
(= adds Context menu with some IrfanView operations to Windows Explorer)
Thanks to Michael Dunn!
- New options in the "Adobe 8BF filters" dialog (Thanks to Frank/jazzman)
- Improved speed in the LCMS (Color Management) PlugIn
- Added support for old formats like: Amiga, Atari, C64, ZX Spectrum etc.
Thanks to Piotr Fusik! (RECOIL support in Formats PlugIn)
- New Print dialog features: Borderless print, Negative positions, better preview
- New command line option: /makecopy, a flag for /convert
=> if destination file exists, save new file as copy: (1), (2), (3) etc.
- Option to add max. 10 external editors (for advanced users): Properties->Misc
- Option to Drag&Drop current file to other programs: SHIFT + left mouse + drag
- New Print dialog option: Always use default printer at dialog start
- New hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + N = Negative image (all channels)
- Better support for high resolution screens (high DPI)
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions:
Download from: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm